Wednesday, March 31, 2010

J E L L I O S   T I M E   O U T

...................................................................... was featured in today!! this is some great press with some
wonderful shots of these amazing pieces! congrats boys!
be sure to check it out at


F A B   T O L I X   C H A I R S

These french chairs and stool have been around the design blog world alot
lately...maybe because they're perfect? Great lines, excellent colors, comfortable,
stackable, indoors or outdoors, rubber feet...if only they weren't so expensive.
Made in france since 1934 though. A bold, bright color would be fun in the
neutral kitchen.

via stephmodo, deisgnwatcher,

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y !

we can always count on arnold to get the most use out of a cardboard matter
what size. thanks barbara!


Friday, March 26, 2010

G R A Y   K I T C H E N S   3

we're contemplating doing gray in some way. i've never seen any gray kitchens in person, it's interesting to see what's been done. (some if these are def not our style)

this first one is ina garten's kitchen in nyc (not her tv show kitchen)


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y !



S P R I N G   P R O J E C T

since it was so nice out this past weekend C decided to start his early-
spring-do-not-extend-into-summer-or-else project. we've got this goofy
little brick wall that separates the deck and the rest of the yard. I like having
it there when we bbq since it's a great place to put stuff and it's extra i like the separation.
So C is just tidying it up in his own special, do it right, way. This will be
topped with a crisply cut slab of bluestone to match the rest of the
backyard/patio stone. stay tuned!


Friday, March 19, 2010

M O R E   G R A Y   K I T C H E N S

here's another amazing gray kitchen from levinson/mcdavid architects
right here in brooklyn. love it!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

K I T C H E N   C O L O R   2

ok i love gray. haven't seen too many grayish least not in person.
i'm diggin' the idea of possible gray cabinets. the first 2 photos are an
amazing kitchen that is my major inspiration right now....with maybe not
such a crazy floor and not so glam & sparkly. the cabs are a very light gray.
photos from

this last one's nice too...more white then gray and very classic. like the
gray countertops/backsplash. it's something i've been thinking about since
the beginning of our planning.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

S T A I R C A S E   B E F O R E   &   A F T E R

there was a pretty narly looking staircase to the lower level here before.
looks like the staircase to hell...for a little while it was. we got right to ripping
out everything in the basement that the former 'owner/dirtbag/crazy person'
put in before. i mean, how can you even live like that?

the metal parts of the staircase had to be welded on site. fun!

installed and waiting for beefy maple treads.

then chris got to work on the gorgeous maple treads. nice and thick!

once everything's in place it's pretty freaking cool! an amazing transformation
if i do say so myself. it's funny looking back at these old did we
see beyond the grossness and filth to buy this place...and think we'd live in it
as-is for a while? That changed quickly!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y !

willis love


Monday, March 15, 2010

K I T C H E N   P L A N   R E V I S E

revised plan just showing a more horizontal oven/fridge wall.
no more vertical pantry here but still trying the ol' appliance garage.
also this could work with a dark lower/light upper cab look.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

I N   M Y   H O O D

the NYTimes featured an article about this couple who live nearby. what they've done with
their rental apartment is just gorgeous. i'm loving their lamps and window treatments!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y !

i know this looks like our cat arnold...but it's not. this is a cat that is up
for adoption at the humane society in nyc. last week i donated a box full
of returned comforters, old towels, and samples from the office. they kindly
sent back a photo of this cat enjoying his new digs. how 'bout you? next time
you buy new bedding or are getting rid of some old towels bring 'em on
over to your local shelter where i'm sure they'll make a furry someone
very happy. prrrrr.


Monday, March 8, 2010

O S C A R S   2 0 1 0

congrats to 'the cove' for winning the oscar for documentary feature.
this film and 'food inc' feature an issue close to my heart...animal welfare.

'food inc' particularly is a movie (and website) everyone in america should see!!!


Friday, March 5, 2010

K I T C H E N   C O L O R

my sweet architect/cousin blew my mind by suggesting possibly painting
kitchen cabinets and not doing wood or white. what? you can do that?
i didn't even think of it...and now i can't stop thinking about it!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

G A R D E N   B E F O R E   &   A F T E R

spring is in the air (wishful thinking perhaps?) and that's got me
thinking about getting back in the garden.
back in the old days of 2004, our house had a pool. doesn't it look
inviting? as tempted as we were to go for a swim and catch a major
bacterial infection we decided to get rid of it. we amended and
balanced the soil, put down some bluestone, planted a tree, shrubs,
and perennials, and each spring we threw in a few veges and annuals.

then 4 years later we replanted the tree, put up a new fence,
replaced the old metal shed with a custom designed masterpiece,
(see patio & shed link to the right) and put in a bluestone patio.
keep in mind all this stuff had to go through our house since we don't
have separate yard access.
what a transformation!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y !

