Friday, September 30, 2011

W A N T   I T

since the new Fiat 500 came to the usa a few months ago there's been lots of admiring on random streets and lots of fun dreaming on their website. there were tons in london, which was a tease. i want one so bad....wouldn't it pair nicely with our vespa? So damn cute!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y

california edition: this is my great friend rozie's "quiet dainty devil"  cat named munki. sweet!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

N E I G H B O R H O O D   L O V E

another day another film shoot
i'm lucky to live in such a gorgeous, cinematic neighborhood that is frequently used for film shooting (this week 'over/under', last week 'pan am')....some residents are getting downright pissed off about it though!


T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y



Monday, September 19, 2011

S W E E T !

got this cute birdy sugar bowl and cake stand on etsy...made by whitney smith pottery. aren't the little rounded birds the sweetest?


I   D O N ' T   G E T   I T

yesterday during a quick trip (14 minutes in and out!) to the brooklyn Ikea there was a crowd of people surrounding these cowhide rugs...i mean they were going crazy for them. I guess i just don't understand the draw of this. it actually seems kind of gross to me to see a flattened animal hide on someone's floor as decoration. is it the animal lover in me? the fact that you can tell where the legs and the head/tail were just makes me piece the process of where this came from in my mind. ugh.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y



L O N D O N   W I N D O W B O X E S   P A R T 2

i really could've have taken a thousand more pics of window boxes there were so many amazing ones! but here's just a few more to inspire.


Friday, September 9, 2011

L O N D O N   B I K E ' H I R E '

all over London there's this great bicycle rental program sponsored by barclays. there's literally hundreds of docking stations that you can just grab a bike from and ride (after signing it out with your credit card - first 1/2 hour's free). then dock it to the nearest station you've ended up at. this is the one right outside our hotel :-) 
seems likes it's a big's also huge in paris.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

L O N D O N   W I N D O W B O X E S   P A R T 1

just got back from a wonderful labor day weekend in London so stay tuned on a few posts about the trip!
i really loved how 'house proud' it seems people are seemed that every townhouse in kensington (the neighborhood we stayed in) was immaculately maintained. and what really struck me was some of the gorgeous windowbox plantings people have. i'm very inspired for next spring with these. they don't seem to do these half-baked...some serious thought, consideration, and maintenance is involved here!
