Thursday, July 18, 2013

E A S Y   C H O I C E

sure there's lots of light choices to go above the front doors (if they're ever completed)...but the mounting, hanging, color restrictions keep it pretty narrow...which can sometimes be great. I think this slightly industrial, yet quite refined looking look will look amazing.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y



Tuesday, July 9, 2013

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y



Monday, July 8, 2013

T E M P O R A R I L Y   W O R S E

it always looks worse but gets better when chris gets his hands on things. our doors are on week 6 after a 3 week promise from our contractor (who i will not recommend unless he pulls off a miracle). chris has been working hard with all his crazy materials and tools to make the surround smooth as glass. let's hope the doors are as good!
