Tuesday, October 22, 2013

T O O   C U T E   T U E S D A Y



Friday, October 18, 2013

N E W   E N G L A N D   C O L O R

we went to rhode island and maine right before labor day...and i keep forgetting to post some pics. i was really inspired by some of the historic homes in providence rhode island and their paint color combinations between the house and the front door (since at the time, we had just finished our front door painting project).
more on maine to come...


Friday, October 4, 2013

N I C E   F I N I S H

well the floor finish is lovely...while it's not exactly the look we were going for. there seemed to be such slim pickins for stain colors and then throw in the wrench of our wood being so old and yellow (110 year old southern yellow pine) that any color aside from dark brown would be tricky. It changes in different light but it goes from gray to blue to green...all pretty cool.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

T O O   C U T E   T H U R S D A Y



Wednesday, October 2, 2013

E N O U G H   A L R E A D Y

i never thought i'd be sick of tomatoes but this is the 5th or 6th major harvest of cherry tomatoes this year....i can't even think of anything else to use them in!
