we are lucky enough to have 2 rental units in our house. one was already in fairly good shape when we bought the place, but the other was pretty bad right from the open house. we bought our building with the tenants already in place. a good tenant in the good apartment and bad tenants in the bad apartment. not bad as in bad people...annoying, yes. but bad in a dirty, loud, young&naive, why do i have bugs oh maybe it's all the food out, way.
forward to the winter of 2009...when these gems left we fully gutted and renovated the leaky bathroom and 1972-era kitchen. there will be no drop ceilings in my house!
oddly, this is the only part of the house that still has some of the lovely details of a house made in 1901. including some great moldings, original wood floors, and a marble mantle, which is the only mantle left in a house that probably had 3 of them. of course i'm jealous and secretly wish the mantle was on our floor (we'll buy one when we get to that room).
this renovation was alot of work... alot of long hours after work and torturous weekends along with our (somewhat) trusty friend phil and our plumber jon.
it came out wonderfully and has pretty much held up through one set of tenants (although they did cause some damage, through no fault of the materials).
heres to many years of happy, careful tenants.