Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A R T   F O R   D U M M I E S

a while back i wrote this post about how excited i was to order these cool prints from inflateddeflated. it's taken me a while to even follow up because it was such a 'deflating' experience. the concept is such a great idea but dealing with the designers of this has been a freaking nightmare...to the point that i feel like an idiot (or dummy) even putting this art up on the wall. here's to hoping i get over it.
between the crazy long ship dates, printing on crappy paper,  shipping flat art in a soft envelope resulting in wrinkles and damage, and then another set of prints weeks later (that were slightly better prints), only to realize that they're a different size than specified, to which i then had to trim all of these down to fit the frames bought for specified size...ugh. ridiculous! i'll show you where we've put them in the next post (and no, it's not the trash)
i never would have thought professionals would've treated their own art so badly. so here i am venting like a crazy person so i don't give a bad review on etsy...i still have a heart! 

great frames from amazon (about the only positive part of the experience...yay!)


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